Frequently Asked Questions About Guam – Guam Canada
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Frequently Asked Questions About Guam


Common queries answered about Guam

Yes, all Guam products are made in Italy.

No! Our cosmetics have NEVER been tested on animals, and the same goes for the raw materials used.

Yup! The LACOTE-GUAM company is the only company in its sector to have tested  several times through an external and impartial company, such as the GfK Eurisko research institute, the level of satisfaction of consumers and users of cosmetic products towards GUAM Seaweed Mud. Surveys over the years have always confirmed that GUAM Seaweed Mud is the best known product and with the best results against cellulite and skin adiposity, with a level of satisfaction on the part of users never lower than 74%, who declare results. visible from the first applications.

Yup! The LACOTE-GUAM company has subjected several of its products to double-blind scientific studies conducted by the most famous Italian universities, which have certified the results of effectiveness.

The LACOTE-GUAM company uses “green” energy obtained from a photovoltaic system installed on the roof of its laboratories and warehouses, with zero environmental impact.
The installation of a condensing boiler allows a considerable saving of gas for heating, with reduced emission of polluting substances into the air.
The total insulation of the warehouse roof limits the dispersion of heat as much as possible. The selection of packaging and advertising material suppliers for the point of sale also took place by favoring those that adopt the most advanced Quality Management Systems (CSQ) and Environmental Management (CSQ-EC). The paper products used have FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) approval, which ensures that forest products have been harvested responsibly and that they have been controlled from the forest of origin throughout the production chain.

The collection of algae is carried out with the “scoubidou”, a tool of ancient origin that leaves the root of the plant intact without altering and damaging the ecosystem and the ocean floor.